Professional development Teacher / Parent talks

Emma has provided professional development talks in New Zealand for over ten years.  She has spoken at the Dyspraxia Support Group conferences, as both workshop presenter and key note speaker.  Emma provides training modules and lectures for teachers and parents, including Waldorf Schools and Kindergartens.

These presentations / workshops explore topics such as:

  • Brain development and learning - understanding a student's readiness to learn, and the role of sensory motor development as a foundation for learning.
  • Challenges and strategies for Modern Learning Environments - for neurodiverse and neurotypical children.
  • Dyspraxia and the classroom.
  • Understanding labels and working with individuals.

"Don't dys me"

"Don't dys me"

"Don't dys me"

Understanding labels and working with individuals.  Understanding the different 'dys' labels, what they mean and strategies for working with a neurodiverse classroom (including dyslexia, dyspraxia, dysgraphia, ADHD, Sensory processing, ASD).

'My sensory self'

Understanding sensory processing, how it works and when it goes haywire.  Exploring sensory regulation, self-regulation, and emotional connections and how these relate to readiness for learning and behaviour.

'My sensory self'

'My sensory self'



Living with Dyspraxia - understanding the affect of Dyspraxia on learning, social engagement, development of self-esteem, and development of the future self of the child.  How to support students with Dyspraxia, and strategies for the whole class.

Emma would love to hear from you if you are interested in having her speak with your group.


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